Shopify Flow is a powerful app. Merchants can use it to do basically anything, and in this article, I will show 3 powerful workflows for managing your orders. 

  1. Create a bundle

Let's say, as a merchant, you want to add a free item to every order if the customer orders a specific product from your store. Then you could set up a Workflow that looks like this

Here the condition is if the order contains a line item that has the name of ‘misty fire’. There are plenty of ways one can set this line item condition though, as Shopify Flow gives a merchant covers all the bases in this respect:

If you click on the ‘Add Criteria’ button, you can add any condition you want to. Here, I added a condition that the tax is equal to 3 dollars:

A merchant, when adding all of these conditions, can have all of them be true or only one of them be true:

  1. Add Order Tags

As a merchant, sometimes it is necessary to dynamically add tags to an order, depending on certain conditions.

3. Cancel an order

Sometimes, if an order meets certain conditions, then it is better to just cancel the order, and Shopify Flow gives the merchant the option to refund, notify, and restock as well.

Shopify Flow might just be the most powerful app on the Shopify App Store. And it is free, so it is in merchants' best interest to familiarize themselves with it. For the above three workflows, I based it on the workflow starting when an order is created, but the truth is, that is not the only option. There are 62 native Shopify API triggers. Anything a merchant thinks they can do, they can.

Alberto Gaucin

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